Hey Good Looking
Hey Good Looking!
processing java application, october 2008, jim soliven
"Hey Good Looking!" is a revamp of an earlier sketch that I gave up on in the past. HGL! was initially another attractor algorithm where one particle is attracted to a certain point and heads towards that destination point. The early version of the algorithm didn't really generate any interesting images. Just a bunch of scriggly lines on the screen.
About 2 years after the initial sketch, I revisited the piece and made some changes. The first change I did was I increased the number of particles by a factor of 20000. The second change was I added more destination points. The third change was I made each particle go from one destination point to the other rather than randomly picking one of the destination points and heading over there.
The surprising aspect of the piece were the 3D images that it seems to generate. Not all iterations generated 3D illusions but some of them did. After the revelation, I focused the code to increase the chances of generating the 3D images. The results impressed me a bit:
More images can be found at this Flickr! Set